What's Belize Like?

Posted by T. Budd on

If you have ever thought about what other country is like Belize, here's what I came up with.

Having been to Queensland, Australia a few times, there seems to be many odd similarities. For example:

1. Belize and Australia both have a Barrier Reef. 

2. We both have the Queen on the money.

3. We both have exotic animals in our flora and fauna.

    They have Cassowaries, we have Harpy Eagles. They have Kangaroos, Wallabies and Wombats. We have Tapirs, Gibnuts and Carasows. They have Coala Bears and we have Kinkajous. We both have deadly snakes. I can keep going...

4. They have an Original Culture in the Aboriginals. We have the Maya Culture.

5. We both have a Priminister and a Parlamentary Government.

6. We are both a Commonwealth Nation with Strong ties to the U.K. and Colonial backgrounds.

Surely if you think on it there are more similarities. Sometimes I think of the equator as a fold and we are an ink blot of North Queensland.

Just something fun to think about.




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